Imitation painting

Material imitation, also referred to as „Faux finish“, is the principal work field of decorative painting. For a long time it has been known as stylistic device in art, architecture, and craft.

Besides solid materials such as wood, marble, metal, fabrics etc. age and condition can also be imitated. However, the imitation is not to be understood as actual copy of the original. The original is rather serving as model for a pictorially functioning translation, which can distinguish in its characteristics (e.g. weight, sound etc.). A good imitation claims a value, which has not to be proved.

Imitation painting – Metal plates »Rust«

Auftragsmalerei Kwast Berlin, Imitation - Metal plates rust - Start

Metal plates »Rust«

Customer: Boecker Objekteinrichtungen
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Imitation painting – Tiled floor – Morocco Mosaic

Auftragsmalerei Kwast Berlin, Imitation, Tiled floor - Morocco Mosaic, Start

Tiled floor – »Morocco Mosaic«

Customer: Getyourguide Berlin
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Imitation painting – Oak Wood

Auftragsmalerei Kwast Berlin, Imitation oak wood, Start

Imitations – »Oak Wood«

Customer: private
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